Monday, May 18, 2009

Forgive the Excesses

I just finished my Maxis application. Hurrah! Yeah, I submitted it almost three hours late. I did not know it was compulsory to upload a certificate la. Didn't see the 'submit' button until I tried uploading it.

I'm such a procrastinator. But like, ideas don't come until the last minute.

On another note, I found this on Facebook notes. It was posted by Anna. I liked it.
It says a bit about a part of my current insanity and what I think of it.


Oh, Lord, these excesses!

These sad excesses. So destructive of body and spirit, and bringing such sorrow into the circles of love...

Help us all to remember that excess in anything is sickness of the spirit. Whether it be eating too much or drinking too much or talking too much (and wanting love too much---wandering, seeking the not-to-be-found assurance of infidelity.)

Surely in going to these excesses we are sorrowing for ourselves, because life itself seems too much.

We reach for these crutches to enable us to sustain it. Or to comfort ourselves, to escape or to minimize its pain. Self-indulgence is surely only a form of self-pity and self-scorn.

Oh, God, forgive us these mortal weaknesses, and help us to forgive them in each other. Help us to understand that they spring from suffering at the core of the very soul.

Share with us your wisdom so that we will know how to help each other, sustain each other, comfort each other, provide such loving awareness of each other that we wont need the false assurance of these excesses.

Thank You for delivering us from self-indulgence and restoring our self-respect.

'I've got to talk to somebody, God'

Majorie Holmes

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