Friday, February 11, 2011


Tomorrow, I'll be flying to the furthest place I've been in 10+ years.
It's a bit exciting, but not too much.

I've met most friends I wanted to meet already. There's still two I wanted to meet but did not. But it's okay. Through these friendly gatherings, I confirmed what I thought was true, that I wasn't very close to them, or at least, was no longer able to berbual-bual happily with them. It's sad, but life's like that I suppose. I'm happy that a few of the rapports are still quite alright or better.

There was a silent moment during a meet-up, as I pondered in silence about what was said. And I guess looked at my friend, who went "awkward moment". Then it became from quiet moment to awkward moment. - It was a bit funny for it wasn't really awkward. Can't there be more conversations where there's some silence in between? But I guess playing a game that affords those silent moments would make my friend feel less awkward. Haha.

Anyway, home is good. I think I enjoyed home enough this break. Three pariah dogs definitely took a nice portion of it. ;)

Hoping to enjoy tomorrow and the days ahead, with as much diligence and discipline as I had in sec 4, or more. After all, as Julia Child said, it takes discipline to have fun. And hard routines become easy after a while.

Oh! I just realized I forgot to post dinner recipes here.
Ah. But I still remember them, so it's ok. Otherwise, I'll ask a friend. At worst, I'll check youtube. Heh.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Men's and Women's Brains

Hahaha. A friend just shared this youtube video. It's good for defending that men's brains aren't better than women's, and vice versa.

If you, like me, do not have good internet connection / cannot load videos, i found this page for the deaf that has the funny script (video is still better as he explains with his funny tone).