One day, during the rainy season, I noticed that my garden had a lot of mushrooms.
Okay lah. That day only got three.
This is the one that's gonna die already.

See the rough surface? Its spores were already released. Hmm.. I shouldn't have taken the picture in this angle. But whatever lah. Its shape was like an umbrella that terbalik edi.
The next picture is like how it was before it 'meletup'. The surface was a little smoother.

And this one is like how it was before it kembang.
Okay. This specific mushroom didn't kembang lah. Because somebody ate the top.
And the guilty somebody is...

Tom Tom's curiosity deprived that specific mushroom's growth.
So it died. Then again... This dog...

This dog is also the one who fertilized all these mushrooms with his excreta.
He compensated by helping many many more mushrooms grow in my garden.

But after that, the mushrooms were plyers-plucked out. This garden does not want too many mushrooms.
So no more mushrooms. Maybe after another rain.
And the grass in my garden lived happily ever after.
(Note: The grass was still threatened by Tom Tom's excrement. But I want to end with a "happily ever after" so whatever lah.)
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