Saturday, January 19, 2013

Thesis topic?

My thesis topic, took a very different turn - into financial economcis!
Actually it seems more like finance than economics.
I'm going to study about the Book-to-Market effect in Malaysia/Singapore/I-dunno-la.
Provided that data is available.

Haha. I only started considering this area of research at 4.30pm, after consulting another lecturer (besides the one mentioned in the last post!). This topic is actually a lot easier than calculating the adequacy of retirement funds in Malaysia, such that I am unsure about whether it is sufficient. It is time-consuming enough to be honours thesis worthy though.

Sigh. I guess I'm going to end up not doing anything about inequality or social security.
This topic is manageable, given that I know what it was like to study the January effect two years ago. I figured that this is probably better than the inequality one, because I can't do macroeconomic theory. I kept falling asleep while attempting to read the theses. The financial economics stuff are much more readable - well actually not that much better, but at least I've had a taste of how it can be like,and the math is much simpler.

Funny huh. I chose this degree program because I thought I was 'good' at math. And now I'm so averse to too much math, which is present in economic theory.

So here goes.

I think my happiness upon finding a topic and sorting it out with my supervisor/professor who met me at 10pm at the Starbucks near my residence is keeping me awake. FINALLY!! AFTER 18 days of research!

Oh dear. It's been an hour and a half!

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