Thursday, January 17, 2013

Theses topic search stress relief

Still no supervisor.
I wish I thought about research topics more thoroughly.
So my thesis topic research trail has been as follows:
ageing theses
-> CPF, Advanced Life Deferred Annuity
-> Inequality: suggested strengthening of social security measures like unemployment benefits, workfare income supplement, and retirement/medical benefits
-> Retirement adequacy
-> Rejected mode as I yesterday found out how thoroughly the professors have researched retirement adequacy. The medical idea was also rejected as a friend was focusing on that already
-> Inequality and how a 'meritocratic' education system can worsen inequality
-> Tried reading another professor's research, got tired before the second page.
-> Wrote a proposal on retirement adequacy in Malaysia
-> Current supervisor asked me to ask other people - it's not in his expertise, but there's not many I can ask
-> Currently waiting for one professor's reply.
-> Reading about Christianity and Economics. I'll see how long I read it before I'm bored. But since I stopped to blog, it's not a good sign.

I really hope to be inspired to do something interesting to myself!

It has been depressing, being rejected so many times.


  1. hmmmm... depressing as it may seem, I believe there are issues you could raise for your thesis. You know it,but just forgot about it.

    Just continue to be inspired!
    After all, society is never perfect for that is its perfection.

  2. it's one thing to know the issues within society.
    it's another thing to identify and analyze something measurable to assist in improving society - and within 12 weeks (the duration of the honours thesis)!

    i don't really get your last sentence. How can its imperfection be its perfection?
