Remember to depress the clutch before letting go of your break to avoid going in the wrong direction due to the uneven road.

- Turn your steering wheel to the maximum right after the second (and a half) pole. See diagram a above.
- Change to reverse gear, Hold break pedal as you turn your steering wheel to the maximum left. Then reverse. Use the rearview mirror to watch for the back of the car. See diagram b above.
- Change to gear 1. Hold the break pedal as you turn your steering wheel to the maximum right. Then go. See diagram c above.
- Go up the hill as usual.
- As you go closer to the yellow line, slow down by depressing the oil pedal a little and pressing the clutch more.
- Once your right mirror is parallel to the first pole, totally step on the break and clutch.
- Pull your handbrake all the way.
- Depress the break pedal slowly. (If your car starts moving backwards, you need to pull the handbrake even higher.)
- Raise your hand until they give you the signal to proceed.
- Step on the oil pedal until you hear the engine revving sufficiently.
- Slowly depress the clutch until the car starts to shake little and the engine sounds different.
- Let go of your handbrake.
- If your car doesn’t start moving forward, step on the oil pedal a little more, and release the clutch a little more until you do.
- Once you’re going down the slope, release the oil pedal and step on the brake to slow down.

- See diagram a. Distance your car about 2 feet away from the parking lot (see pink line). Lean on your back seat. Look through the back-left passenger window. It should -just- see the parking lot's upper-right pole (see red diagonal line).
- See diagram b. While you step on the break pedal, change to reverse gear and turn your steering wheel to the extreme left. Reverse until you can see the fourth pole through your right mirror.
- See diagram c.Turn your steering wheel anticlockwise twice, or such that your wheels are straight. Reverse until your back-right wheel is on the white line (bump=wheel on the line).
- See diagram d.Turn your steering wheel to the extreme right and reverse until no part of your car is outside the parking lot (especially check your front wheel and right mirror). Use the rear view mirror to ensure that you don't hit the poles at the back.
- Change gear to neutral and use your handbrake. Raise your hand.
- Even when leaving the parking lot, be careful not to hit any of the poles
- They might have told you to pay RM150 extra for the test if you’re not confident with this part. That’s bribery. Don’t do it.
- Some pointers to remember are as follows.
- It will be good to have small chat with the examiner. He’s damn bored after a whole day of just sitting in the car. Entertain and let him be happy and be obliged to be less strict with you.
- First checks when you enter the car: adjust your seat, put on your seat belt, adjust the rearview mirror, check the side mirrors (touch the right mirror, and say that the left mirror is ok if it is and then ask the examiner whether you need to touch it(in which case, he will have to wind down the window for you)), ensure that the wipers and right and left signals are working, ensure that the gear is at neutral and the handbrake is pulled up.
- Once that is done, switch to gear 1, release handbrake, release the clutch a little and step on the oil to start going.
- Some cars have really high clutches so you need to let go a little more. Be careful not to altogether let it go or your engine will die and you will score bad points.
- I can’t write a complete instruction set. (Duh) So, I’ll just type some notes to remember.
- At ALL junctions (traffic lights – if it’s yellow/red/spoilt, places where there’s a horizontal white line) go to a COMPLETE stop. That means gear to neutral and handbrake pulled up. Do it, even if the examiner tempts you to go on.
- You can change to gear 2 quite fast.
- Changing gears: Step on the oil a little more. Then as you release the oil pedal, you step on clutch pedal. Change gear. Then do the reverse.
- At the upward sloping areas, step a little on the oil and release the clutch before releasing the handbrake (just like hill procedure)
That should be it. Good luck, and hope that your examiner is a good guy in a good mood.
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